For a reason similar to the title of Childish Gambino’s breakthrough Because The Internet, keeping up with the abundance of rap music online can be as daunting as it is gratifying. There are unsung classics in all eras of rap history, and we are in the middle of a new Golden Era with our current champions carrying the torch for the genre’s progression.
The amalgamation of social media, regional music and subcultural blogs, and advertising on TV networks and popular media websites comprises a virtual tsunami for music lovers anticipating new music. The information blitz from mass marketing can overwhelm online users and overshadow the music under the surface.
Even as music writers, the HipHopDX staff are fans first, and, like our readers, we’re bombarded with new artists’ albums every week. But we got you! Let us be the Noah of your ark, gathering here all the essential (but often unappreciated) specimens, during the flood of dope albums in 2016.
Here is HipHopDX’s list of the Top 20 Slept-On Albums of the Year.

Flatbush Zombies – 3001 – A Laced Odyssey
Release Date: June 10, 2016
Label: Dirty Version Records
Highest Billboard 200 Chart Position: N/A
Production Credits: Apathy

Connecticut’s most storied underground rap stalwart stormed back with his renowned fusillade of bars and boom-bap beats to smack your dome if you dared to sleep on him. The album possesses enough self-reflection, maturity, and braggadocio to galvanize MCs into double checking the amount of ink in their pens. After 20 years of numerous nightmares and dreams manifested in the rap game, the Alien Tongue channels Jim Valvano prompting his listeners to never give up (minus the sappy tone).
Check out more of DX’s year-end content below.
The 2016 HipHopDX Year-End Awards

The 20 Best Rap Albums Of 2016
The Most Slept-On Rap Albums Of 2016

The Steve Lobel “We Working” Artist Of The Year