Havoc has lashed out at his Mobb Deep cohort Prodigy on Twitter.
In a lengthy Twitter rant, Havoc calls Prodigy a “fake Jay-Z,” making claims that P engaged in homosexual affairs while in prison. He also poked fun at P, stating that “he think him and Rihanna getting married” and that he would be too afraid to confront Havoc if he saw him.
According to Devi Dev, MTV’s Sway Calloway texted Havoc to confirm the tweets and Hav responded that they were “Very Real.” It could be possible that Havoc’s phone was stolen, but several sources have confirmed Havoc sent the tweets.
Read the Twitter diatribe in full below.
@prodigymobbdeep we got a meeting, lets see if u built to show ur face. prodigy abitch and I’m gonna show it, follow!! ground breaking new. i got niggas in the jail system to to back up that prodigy was fucking homes in jail. prodigy prove me wrong! please. i have a big announcement…. and niggas that was locked wit him know the truth. now i will silence…. and let the jails take care of the rest. thats on everything, i had to smack P ask him. prodigy u pussy! u long island ass bitch. I’m about to expose u! i can’t wait till niggas in jail that was wit u back my shit up!! next time i see u , u getting layer out, on camera!! i can’t wait! how u say u live in jersey, but right there in queens??? I’m on top of u… pause… foot on thy neck!!! in a minute…. niggas that was in the jail wit him gonna blow him up first hand.!!!! prodigy a hider not a rider. nothing hacked P homo y’all. no hack this havoc. P IS HIDING!!! IM GONNA SHOW U P GETTING KNOCKED OUT!!!!!!!!!!!! WATCH HE TRY TO DODGE ME!! THINK ABOUT IT… HOW COULD HE SAY,,, QB MURDERERS ??? LETS DO A ONE ON ONE!!!!! ME AND P!!! HE SO BUTTTT HE WILL AVOID!!!! OH, ONE MORE THING, HE THINK HIM AND RIHANNA GETTING MARRIED!!!! LMFAOOOOOOOO. THIS50…. HOLLA AT ME XXL HOLLA AT ME P A FAKE JAY Z HOLLA BACK!!!!!
UPDATE: After an unnamed person posted tweets on a false Twitter account under his name, Prodigy has taken to his verified account to address Havoc’s messages from earlier today. He says he will not engage in beef with his Mobb Deep cohort, and left it at that.


UPDATE #2: Havoc’s publicist has released a statement of him denying that he sent the tweets. He claims that he left his phone at a gas station. His Twitter page has since been deleted. Read the full statement below.
“Just getting back into NY after my Easter weekend with family and friends in Jersey. I left my phone at a gas station yesterday evening while on my way to Jersey after a glorious Knick’s game. To all Mobb Deep fans: it’s business as usual! It’s Mobb Deep all day!!! My twitter account @THEREALHAVOC will be down until further notice. The only other real account is @PRODIGYMOBBDEEP. Ignore the rest. One!”
Prodigy also tweeted following the release of the statement, claiming that “we set traps” and that some people “have a lot of growing up to do.
RELATED:Mobb Deep Explains “The Infamous'” Affect On Rap, Havoc Crowns Prodigy “The Best”